Getting high is always enjoyable, but getting too high can present a myriad of problems. Even worse is the fact that nothing can blow a high faster than becoming the center of attention inadvertently.
Doing so during the holidays when there are numerous family and work functions to attend can be exceptionally embarrassing, too. Fortunately there are a few supplies that cannabis enthusiasts can keep nearby that can subtly offset the consequences of overindulgence.

Most people who regularly use cannabis already know that having a drink handy is a good idea for multiple reasons. Lemonade is particularly useful because the citrus can be effective in helping to offset the effects of THC due to the presence of the limonene terpenes that promote alertness upon consumption.
While the best way to ingest the terpenes necessary to offset the effects of THC is to consume lemon slices or lemon peels, that may not be the most subtle way to go about managing your high. In most cases though, no one will assume anything about you enjoying a bottle of lemonade. Lemonade also provides people with the opportunity to quench the cottonmouth that comes with marijuana consumption.
Though it may seem unlikely, lemonade could be the best aid in helping to manage a seemingly uncontrollable high.

Another one that may seem unusual is something that most people likely have stowed away in their medicine cabinet already. Ibuprofen, while effective at treating head and body aches, has also shown to be effective in helping people manage their high after overindulging on THC.
RELATED: 7 Ways To Get A Bad High Under Control
A 2013 study published in the journal Cell found that a safe dosage of ibuprofen was instrumental in helping some patients offset the effects from THC. Taking that into consideration, having a few tablets of ibuprofen on hand could be crucial in helping people overcome the effects of THC consumption.
Ibuprofen can be taken inconspicuously in public or in private. Either way, remembering the effects that they can have in offsetting an inconvenient high could be a lifesaver this holiday season.

Whether it’s in the form of a vape pen or gummies, CBD could be the best resource in helping people deal with a high that they can’t shake. Scientific research shows evidence that the cannabinoid has properties that negate the effects of THC. Since that’s the case, having a CBD pen, oil or gummies could be instrumental in overcoming an overbearing high during the holiday season.
RELATED: How CBD Blocks The Paranoia And Anxiety From Marijuana’s THC
Taking that into consideration, people considering using CBD vape pens to overcome their high should be slightly more mindful of their setting since vaping isn’t universally accepted and may raises questions or suspicions.
The holidays present numerous opportunities for surprise situations that can make life awkward or stressful. Anyone in a situation where they need to come down fast should be able to stop into any gas station or convenience store to find any of the above products that can be instrumental in helping to manage a high during holiday get-togethers.