
A Clique is: A group of people with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together.

Help About Building Community - Weedclique.com a Social Media platform building communities together for CBD, Hemp, Marijuana, Cannabis, THC, Hash, Growers, Groomers, Dispensary, Retail and Wholesale industries. Each Sharing, Researching, Connecting, Learning, and Experiencing this amazing plant in many different ways and all that it can do you. Keep up with what is happening with the latest articles and information from around the world. Grow your CLIQUE!

Weedclique.com is a social media platform for the purposes of sharing and building connections for all facets of the CBD, Hemp, Cannabis, Marijuana, THC, and Hash communities around the world.

This including consumers and businesses in and around these related communities and industries, including,  Growers, Groomers, Dispensary, Retail, Wholesale, and B2B. Participation is key. Create something together, sharing and contributing to a common goal. Have fun and be supportive.

Weedclique.com is a place to share, research, connect, learn and experience!

We are here for you; to help share your experiences with others. Learn from others, find recommendations, grow your community, learn about the latest research, medical advancements, changes in laws, educate on numerous topics, learn about different businesses, products.

Communicate and schedule social events, lookup glossary definitions, message, chat and most of all connect with other friends.

Weedclique.com is a place where sharing of information, experiences and recommendations is encouraged.  It’s your community! Let’s support and celebrate each other and our successes!

Invite your friends to connect, because sharing is caring…

Together we are stronger!

Enjoy Your Communities

Enjoy Your Clique!

Create your free account today!