Microdosing is a form of consuming drugs in such a way that you avoid getting extremely high. Once associated with psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs such as magic mushrooms and LSD, more people have discovered the benefits of microdosing marijuana over the last few years. As opposed to macrodosing or getting as high as you possibly can, the point of microdosing is to enable the user to still stay productive and focused in a task.
There really is no right or wrong way to consume marijuana. Whether you prefer to microdose to up your creativity or medicate, or macrodose because you want to feel extremely relaxed or buzzed, it’s all down to personal preferences. There are also many ways you can consume marijuana these days — some are better suited for microdosing while others are best for macrodosing.

Microdosing Marijuana
A microdose of marijuana is considered between 1 to 2.5 mg of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive substance of the plant. This is considered the minimum effective dose.
Microdosing small amounts such as these provide the user with the plant’s medicinal and therapeutic benefits without getting too high that you can no longer function. People microdose for many reasons.
General wellness and stress reduction: Studies show that microdosing marijuana is the most effective way to relieve stress and feel happier. Users experience a range of benefits when used for this purpose, such as an increase in physical and mental energy as well as improvements in clarity and focus — particularly when consuming sativa dominant strains. Microdosing indica dominant strains can better relax you at the end of a stressful day.
Medicinal benefits: Microdosing has been shown to be the ideal way to medicate for a variety of conditions. These include pain, migraines, insomnia, post-traumatic stress, Alzheimer’s, and much more.
Productivity: Many artists and creative professionals rely on microdosing to help them get work done. In fact, people in just about any kind of industry can benefit from microdosing cannabis. The right strains and products can enhance clarity and help you tick things off your to-do list. Anyone who has ever gotten too high at work can tell you that being too stoned can actually counter productivity; microdosing may be the answer especially if you also have medical conditions to treat but need to get things done.
Having said that, certain ways to medicate marijuana are more ideal for microdosing. These forms of consumption can help you take controlled, small dosages for your specific needs:
- Edibles: buying edibles provides an exact way to get small doses. Edibles these days run the gamut when it comes to dosage, which is specifically indicated by the manufacturer in the packaging. You can choose from a variety of edibles that have already been pre-dosed including gummies, candies, chocolates, and even beverages. Edibles take longer to hit, usually 20 minutes to an hour or even more, but its effects can last for hours.
- Tinctures: these herbal extracts are made by soaking up marijuana plant material in oils, vegetable glycerin, or alcohol. Tinctures are always made with dropper bottles, so depending on how high you want to get, you can opt for low-dose tinctures and customize your very own dose. Just place a drop or two of it under your tongue, and its effects can be felt within minutes.
- Vape pen: Taking a small hit off a vape pen can give you a controlled dose. This method is ideal for microdosing only for those who know how vape pens work. You may accidentally take a very large puff and get much higher than you expected.
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Macrodosing Marijuana
Macrodosing weed means taking enough weed to get you really high. For some, this can be as little as 10mg of THC while others with a higher tolerance require taking as much as 25mg of THC or even more.
People macrodose for many reasons: some medical patients need to take a significantly larger amount of THC to feel any relief from their pain or other conditions. There are also some people who simply enjoy being really blazed as they engage in activities such as playing video games, cooking, socializing, or simply unwinding.
Macrodosing marijuana can impact significant benefits aside from pain relief. Users can experience bliss, euphoria, empathy, mild hallucinations, color enhancement, and even depth distortion. To those who are new to taking such large amounts of THC, some anxiety, and paranoia so it’s best to be aware that your macrodosing trip can easily go sideways if you aren’t prepared. It is also not recommended to drive or operate any kind of machinery when you are macrodosing so be sure that you are in a safe setting where you can enjoy your high for several hours. A trip can be as long as 12 hours especially if you consume concentrates.
However, you can easily counter this by having some CBD with you; taking CBD can mitigate the effects of getting too high with THC.
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Certain types of cannabis are made specifically for macrodosing. Cannabis concentrates are the perfect example. You can easily consume up to 90% of THC in just one hit, making it efficient to macrodose without having to smoke too much. Other ways you can macrodose include using a bong, smoking several puffs from a joint, or consuming edibles with a high amount of THC in them.
There are many benefits to both microdosing and macrodosing. As we said earlier, there’s no right or wrong way. Consumers now have the liberty of choosing from so many products and methods of consumption that you can tailor your dose and experience just the way you like it.
This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and has been reposted with permission.