We are in the middle of summer, the time to enjoy the great outdoors with bbqs, picnics, beach trips, hiking or just gardening outside. You let the body soak up the sun and absorb as much vitamin D as possible. But with the the benefits of the summer months comes a pesky annoyance…bug bites. It seems bugs, especially mosquitos are drawn to certain people. And it can be an irritating, itchy mess. Warm weather also brings out other types of insects, but can CBD take the sting out of summer bug bites?
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Like humans, insects love the summer. Since they are cold blooded, the environment regulates their body temperature, making them much more active. Larvae grow faster, their speed increases and mating peaks. It is a fiesta for the flys, mosquitoes and bees. Food is plentiful and partners are abundant. As there numbers boom, they see humans as a quick, tasty treat.

There are a variety of reasons bugs are draw to people. The smell of lactic acid and ammonia in your sweat is a bacon for bugs. Mosquitoes have a special receptor that helps them tune into the smell of your body odor. Even trace amounts on your socks and shoes can be enough to ring the dinner bell. Eating and drinking outdoors calls to insects because many of our food sources are also theirs.
Type O and Type A blood seems to be a mosquitoes’ preferred blood type as compared to B and AB. There is not much you can do about your genes.
When an insect sees light, it tells them a path is not blocked by a predator or obstacles. It also let’s them see food, which might be an innocent human sitting minding their own business.

Cannabis, CBD and hemp help ward off bugs. Consuming cannabis is one way to keep the pests away. The smoke can be a repellent. CBD and hemp oils and creams can also help. Hemp oil composition is dominated by (E)-caryophyllene, myrcene and α-pinene and is toxic to houseflies.
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CBD oil and lotions are helpful with bug bites. Bites are partially inflamed and swollen causing red skin. CBD topicals can reduce the inflammation and swelling, so the bites will reduce and won’t feel as itchy. Definitely a benefit.
And the last note, despite the reputation for being busy, bees, flies, ants, and many other insects love their cocktails, especially beer. They get a similar buzz as humans. Keep your refreshment covered can help avoid them hanging around.