As more states approve legalization – more people are interested in trying it. But what do you REALLY need to know.
While it has been used for over a thousands years, cannabis for the canna newbie or canna curious can be confusing. Delaware and Ohio are the latest states to pass laws to allow marijuana. Now over 50% of US population has access to legal weed, along with Canada and parts of Europe. And when rescheduling happens, it will become even more accessible. Add the fact over 85% believe it should be legal, and it has gone mainstream. So more people are take a first step and trying it.
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But for the first timers, it can be a bit intimidating. Things have changed and there are a variety of options. For first-timers, you can go old school with smoking, but with today’s younger generation and new users, gummies and vaping are popular. And there are even more options.

The Basics
Unlike alcohol, marijuana can be used for fun and for medication. Some people use it to boost creativity, ease social anxiety, relax, work out, sleep and more. The trend to trade out alcohol for marijuana, for certain days or all together, is called California sober and is a big hit, especially for the under 30 set. Marijuana can also be used to replace harmful including smoking nicotine, and replacing the use of opiates and sleeping pills. It has clear medical benefits, but nothing is perfect. No one has ever died from an overdose and mostly people dose off if they have too much.
If you keep your dose to 5mg or more, the intense part of the high is the first 30 minutes and then can linger for a couple of hours. The more you consume, the longer it lasts and potential a more powerful high.
Types of Marijuana

There are different types of marijuana and different compounds present in the plant. Sativa, indica, and hybrid strains are a category limited to the physical look of the plant, although a lot of cannabis users swear by its effects and how different they are. CBD is a cannabis compound but a lot of people consider it a type of marijuana.
Sativa stimulates the mind and senses, working best when paired with an activity, like working out, having a fun conversation, or doing anything energizing. Indicas stand on the other end of the spectrum, producing a relaxing and anxiolytic effect. Hybrid strains are a mix of sativa and indica, producing mixed results.
CBD is a cannabis compound, like THC. Unlike THC’s psychoactive effect, CBD is mostly medicinal. It produces no “high” feeling and results in long-lasting muscle, pain, and anxiety relief.
How to partake
There are multiple ways to consume cannabis. The traditional way of smoking marijuana (pipes, joints, and bongs) is popular with the over 50 set and is perfect to settle in and enjoy a good chill session. Vapes, gummies, other edibles, and sublingual are also popular formers for those new to cannabis. Dabbing is the seasoned user.

Discreet and comfortable, filled with cartridges which vaporize marijuana instead of combusting it, like joints and pipes. With a vape pen there is no need to learn how to roll a joint or how to pack a bowl. They produce immediate effects that will stay in your body for a couple of hours. Start with a first puff and slowly ease into how much you can enjoy.
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Gummies are the most popular form of edibles by far, followed by chocolate. Convenient, and discreet, dispensaries purchased edibles are easy to manage dosage. The one downside is takes its time to feel the high since the THC is absorbed differently. For beginners, it is great way to start as you can manage a dose and start with 5mg or under.
Sublingual and Topicals
Sublingual are oils you can slip under the tongue and put in something else and absorb. Quick with a little punch, manage your dosage for a good high. This is another good option for those who don’t wish to smoke. Topicals are creams and lotions, they can help with pain or intimacy.
Like alcohol, it may take time to find the groove and the perfect high or chill. Take time, don’t overdo, try to avoid the munchies, and have a good time.