Wednesdays are neither here nor there. It feels like being stuck in limbo, the furtherest away from the glorious weekends. In a happiness search, two American applied mathematicians, analyzed words used in 2.4 million internet social media sites. They gave a score out of nine depending on how positive they were. Professors Christopher Danforth and Peter Dodds, of Vermont University, gave words like free, fun, rainbow and sex 8+ score, while words such as betray, cruel, hatred and suffocate all scored less than two. Wednesday turned out to be the saddest day. So here are the best strain for Wednesday to pick you up.
It tend to be the roughest day of the week emotionally, so here are the BEST cannabis strains for Wednesday.
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Cannabis has different strains. Picking the right one is crucial for one to get the feeling you are looking for. One can choose to go with those containing THC or the ones which do not have this component such as CBD oil.
Know the options available

The three significant strains of marijuana are Indica, Sativa, and hybrid. Hybrid is a combination of the two major strains, Sativa and Indica. It elicits mixed reactions for the body and mind since the two mixed to form the blend affect the user differently. Sativa strains have an energizing effect on the user, influencing them to be active and take part in different activities. Indica, on the other hand, is more relaxing and after using any of the strains in this family, the user tends to be laid back with a deep sense of relaxation. The choice between the two depends on personal preference and the feeling one is looking wants to achieve.
Get to know the strains

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After knowing the significant types available, one ought to dive deep to understand the strains and the category they fall into. The purpose of the cannabis will help one decide on the strain to buy as they are knowledgeable about how they work. Availability of a strain in one’s locality is among the factors involved. But most dispensaries will have something close.
Identify the smell

Each of the products that are available in the market has a distinct smell. Some have sweet and fruity notes, while others have an earthy smell. Other strains have a skunky smell that hangs around and makes it easier for others to tell that one is using cannabis. Choosing the smell is dependent on individual tastes. Knowing the smell of the product you want to buy is essential as it will affect usage among other factors.
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Although the research is important, one should not rely on the information they get only. When buying from a brick and mortar store, a visit to the premises will help one make the perfect pick. Examining the product and asking the budtender about the products they have will help one make an informed choice.